Born on February 29, 2008, in a toy factory, my earliest memory is of sitting in a cardboard box, surrounded by stuffed bears, and all of them looked the same. I couldn’t help but wonder if I looked the same as them. Were my eyes as blue as theirs, and was my fur as red and soft? I spent a lot of time in that box, which seemed like days or maybe even weeks. Then one day, a middle-aged, sandy-haired lady took six of us out of our box and arranged us on a clean shelf in a well-lit gift shop at a big mall. Other boxed and stuffed toys were all around, and one by one, each one was picked and taken to their new masters. Days went by, and I made good friends with the cream-colored stuffed puppy next to me. Then one day, while we were talking, the shop lady picked up the puppy and handed it to a little girl who squealed with happiness as her parents bought the toy for her. I waved my friend goodbye and was glad to see it elated at being picked.
One by one, even my teddy friends got picked, and I was left all alone. I spent the next few days waiting to be chosen, but no one ever did. I guess I was just too ordinary and didn’t have a crystal collar, or pretty clothes. I wasn’t decorated with cute hats or little shoes. I didn’t have a sparkling remote to control me. I was just a simple teddy bear.
However, one day, that all changed. A little girl entered the store clutching her mother’s hand, and the moment she saw me, the shy expression on her face changed to a big grin. When the girl wrapped her arms around me, I knew my life could never have been better. With a last goodbye to the shop and all its residents, I went to the girl’s house. She named me “Mel” and always played with me. I learned many things about her. The shy girl did not have many friends, while her parents were rich and were always too busy to pay attention to her. Even though she received many other toys as gifts each year, I knew I was her favorite. As she grew up, she became more outgoing and confident. She made many friends and was very popular among them. Even though she had stopped playing with me, she always kept me close to her and cuddled with me whenever she was sad. I grew old as she grew older, but she always took good care of me and kept me clean. Now, after all these years, she has become a well-known architect. Still, I sit on a table by her bed at night, as dear to her as I was before.

Written: 2020