What matters more in terms of success?
We've all heard tales about people who have achieved success in their lives, and we're always curious about how they did it. People often remark, "They had luck on their side," and while I agree that luck plays an essential role in our lives, I've always believed that success mainly comes from hard work and determination. I feel this way for a variety of reasons, the most important of which I will discuss in this article.
But, before I begin, let's define the terms "luck" and "hard work."
Luck. Luck is defined by the Cambridge English Dictionary as “the force that causes things, especially good things, to happen to you by chance and not as a result of your own efforts or abilities.” Many people think that luck is something you are born with and is controlled by a supernatural force. That some individuals are just lucky or unlucky.
The theory of “luck” is that there are many things that may happen to us, both good and terrible, without our conscious choice. For instance, you may be travelling one day and decide to take a left instead of a right. By doing so, you may have prevented a severe car accident.
Hard Work. Oxford defines hard work as, “a great deal of effort or endurance.” Merriam-Webster defines hardworking as, “industrious, diligent.” Effort. Endurance. Diligence. Industriousness. All very desirable qualities. I personally believe that hard work is working wisely and passionately on a particular work to finish it as efficiently as possible.
However, consider this: Why would you work hard unless you were under pressure or strict orders? Well, you'd work hard for something in which you have faith. You'd work hard for something you'd thought about and prepared for, knowing it would lead you to contentment, prosperity, or well-being. Here's the thing: no one needs to dictate hard work for anybody else. You interpret hard work for yourself, just as you define success. Your idea of hard work is determined by what YOU consider to be important enough to work hard for.
Let's get started now that we've established the meanings of luck and hard work.
To begin with, success is always the fruit of prolonged periods of hard work. Success comes slowly and only after several good decisions and small achievements. A stroke of luck, on the other hand, is typically seen as a one-time event. Let us consider the experience of a successful entrepreneur, whom we will refer to as Aadvika for the time being.
Aadvika has been the CEO of a highly profitable technological company that makes and distributes a wide range of products since 2003. Her company began modestly, with her using her money to create and promote a single product and recruit her first employee. When that product became successful, Aadvika built on her success by launching other items and steadily expanding her company's size. Her firm eventually expanded from a single person to a team of hundreds. While Aadvika's company may have been fortunate at one point in its development, its long-term success cannot be attributed only to good fortune.
Secondly, success is generally the product of meticulous preparation, research, and learning, all of which require considerable effort.
For example, some people thought that Aadvika was fortunate that her first product offering was successful. However, even before she began production, she was certain that her invention would be a success. This is due to the thousands of rupees she spent on market research and focus groups. It was her commitment of time and money, not chance, that ensured her company's early success. Similarly, when her modest company joined with another company just as that company grew to prominence, people referred to her as "lucky." Aadvika, on the other hand, had spent several weeks meeting the company's research and development staff and forecasting its success based on what they told her. She would not have approved the deal if she had not been convinced of their capabilities.
Contrary to what some onlookers claim, this achievement was the result of hard work rather than luck.
Before I conclude this article, I'd want to point out that luck, while not as essential as hard work, plays a vital role in our lives.
The great majority of people believe in luck. Even those who claim not to believe in luck are often guilty of indulging in superstitious actions such as avoiding going under a ladder, keeping new shoes off the table, and not allowing a black cat to cross their path. These are the old wives' stories that so many of us have grown up with - and we do them without thinking about it, whether we believe they would improve our luck or not. Whether there's a scientific reason for luck or whether it is purely psychological, it is a universal fact that everyone wants to feel lucky.
Confidence and the sensation of luck go hand in hand. And, thankfully, we can enhance our confidence: it's only a question of focusing on what we want and working hard. I strongly agree with Thomas Jefferson's quote, "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it."
To conclude, I am a firm believer that, while luck may be motivating, success is earned by hard work.
Written: 2021